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Last Updated: 12.May.2023

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Attributes in Rust

Have you used attributes in the Rust language? Maybe yes, but probably never defined one. Though you don't have to define attributes in most cases, sometimes new attributes can provide you with a powerful and flexible set of features. I've always been interested in learning how to define attributes and exploring their capabilities.

This post is about defining a new attribute, and see how powerful attributes are.


In order to define a new attribute, you have to set proc-macro in Cargo.toml. Add below lines to your Cargo.toml file.

proc-macro = true

We're going to define the attribute in lib.rs, and test it in main.rs. Make those files in /src

├ src
│ ├ lib.rs
│ └ main.rs
└ Cargo.toml

Attribute-related stuffs are defined in the proc_macro crate. Add below lines at the top of lib.rs.

extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::{TokenStream, TokenTree};

TokenStream and TokenTree are the main components of a definition of attributes. We'll look at those in later sections.

How an attribute looks like

pub fn attribute1(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // ... func body

An attribute is defined like above. TokenStream is literally a stream of tokens. The function takes tokens as inputs and outputs new tokens. The output tokens replace the original tokens in the code. Interesting point here is that the function is written in Rust. That means you can write a Rust code that directly handles the AST of another Rust code. Sounds very strong, doesn't it?

Let's see how TokenStream works.

// lib.rs

pub fn attribute1(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    println!("attr: {attr:?}\n\nitem: {item:?}");

// main.rs

#[attribute1 (a, b)]
fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

I defined a very simple attribute that prints out the inputs and returns item without modifying it. When you add the attribute to the main function and run it, the result is like below. The output of the code is not formatted, but I did it manually for readability.

attr: TokenStream [
    Ident { ident: "a", span: #0 bytes(196..197) },
    Punct { ch: ',', spacing: Alone, span: #0 bytes(197..198) },
    Ident { ident: "b", span: #0 bytes(199..200) }

item: TokenStream [
    Ident { ident: "fn", span: #0 bytes(203..205) },
    Ident { ident: "main", span: #0 bytes(206..210) },
    Group {
        delimiter: Parenthesis,
        stream: TokenStream [],
        span: #0 bytes(210..212)
    Group {
        delimiter: Brace,
        stream: TokenStream [
            Ident { ident: "println", span: #0 bytes(219..226) },
            Punct { ch: '!', spacing: Alone, span: #0 bytes(226..227) },
            Group {
                delimiter: Parenthesis,
                stream: TokenStream [
                    Literal {
                        kind: Str,
                        symbol: "Hello World!",
                        suffix: None,
                        span: #0 bytes(228..242)
                span: #0 bytes(227..243)
            Punct {
                ch: ';',
                spacing: Alone,
                span: #0 bytes(243..244)
        span: #0 bytes(213..246)

The first parameter of the function (attr) is the stream of the tokens following the attribute. The second one (item) contains all the tokens in the definition of the main function. It even includes keywords like "fn", and it wraps braces and parenthesises into a Group variant.

All you have to do is to gather information from TokenStreams and construct new one by modifying them (or from scratch).

In order to read the tokens, we use into_iter method. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't implement iter method. You should clone it if you don't want to consume it. The method returns an iterator of TokenTree, which is an enum for Rust tokens. The enum has 4 variants. All the variants share the API for spans (set_span and span). The methods sets or gets span, which is the line number and the column number of the token. It's useful if you want to output precise error messages. Let's look at the details of each variant.

pub enum TokenTree {

Click the links to see their documents.

Group is a TokenStream surrounded by Delimiters. There are 4 types of Delimiters, which are brackets [], braces {}, parenthesis (), and none . The last one is used to preserve operator priorities of macro expansions. .stream() method returns the contained TokenStream, without the delimiters. We'll use it most often.

Ident is for an identifier. .to_string() turns it into a String, and new(&str, Span) creates new one.

Literal is for a literal, like "Hello World!" or 3.14. .to_string() turns it into a String, and string(&str) creates a new one. There are methods for all kind of literals (u32_suffixed, f64_unsuffixed, character, ...).

Punct represents a single-character punctuation. For example, an AddAssign operator (+=) is translated to 2 Puncts, + and =. It uses a Spacing enum to differentiate a multi-character token and a sequence of single-character tokens. .as_char() turns it into a char, and .new(char, Spacing) creates new one.

Defining a new attribute

Let's actually define a practical attribute. We'll implement an attribute for functions. It makes a function print its name when called.

fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
    a + b

fn foo_with_attribute(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
    println!("Hi! my name is foo");
    a + b

Above is our goal. foo with #[print_name] becomes foo_with_attribute. It prints its name at the first line of its body. I won't change the name of the function in the implementation.

pub fn print_name(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let mut result = vec![];
    let mut curr_state = State::Init;
    let mut func_name = String::new();

    // todo: construct a new TokenStream


I'll use a finite state machine to read the stream. When a function is found, it adds a println! macro at the first line of its body.

The state machine has 3 states: Init, FnInit and BodyInit.

for token in item.clone().into_iter() {

    match curr_state {
        State::Init => match &token {
            // todo
        State::FnInit => match &token {
            // todo
        State::BodyInit => match &token {
            // todo


It's a very simple FSM. I cloned item because I want to return the original one if it's not a function.

State::Init => match &token {
    TokenTree::Ident(i) => {
        let i_string = i.to_string();

        if i_string == "fn" {
            curr_state = State::FnInit;

        else if i_string == "struct" || i_string == "enum" || i_string == "union" || i_string == "type" {
            return item;

    _ => {}

The first state, State::Init waits for the keyword fn. If it figures out that it's not dealing with a function, it returns immediately.

State::FnInit => match &token {
    TokenTree::Ident(i) => {
        func_name = i.to_string();
        curr_state = State::BodyInit;
    _ => {}

The second state reads the name of the function. It assumes that the identifier following fn is the name of the function.

State::BodyInit => match &token {
    TokenTree::Group(g) => match g.delimiter() {
        Delimiter::Brace => {
            let mut print_name = TokenStream::from_str(&format!("println!(\"Hi! my name is {func_name}\");")).unwrap();
            let new_group = Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, print_name);

        _ => {}  // not a function body
    _ => {}

The last state adds the print statement at the function body. It assumes that a Delimiter::Brace appears if and only if it meets the function body. It constructs a new Group instance with the print statement, pushes it to result and continue the loop immediately, so that it doesn't push the Group twice.

Complete code

1extern crate proc_macro;
2use proc_macro::{TokenStream, TokenTree, Delimiter, Group};
3use std::str::FromStr;
6pub fn print_name(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
7    let mut result = vec![];
8    let mut curr_state = State::Init;
9    let mut func_name = String::new();
11    for token in item.clone().into_iter() {
13        match curr_state {
14            State::Init => match &token {
15                TokenTree::Ident(i) => {
16                    let i_string = i.to_string();
18                    if i_string == "fn" {
19                        curr_state = State::FnInit;
20                    }
22                    else if i_string == "struct" || i_string == "enum" || i_string == "union" || i_string == "type" {
23                        return item;
24                    }
26                }
27                _ => {}
28            }
29            State::FnInit => match &token {
30                TokenTree::Ident(i) => {
31                    func_name = i.to_string();
32                    curr_state = State::BodyInit;
33                }
34                _ => {}
35            }
36            State::BodyInit => match &token {
37                TokenTree::Group(g) => match g.delimiter() {
38                    Delimiter::Brace => {
39                        let mut print_name = TokenStream::from_str(&format!("println!(\"Hi! my name is {func_name}\");")).unwrap();
40                        print_name.extend(g.stream());
41                        let new_group = Group::new(Delimiter::Brace, print_name);
42                        result.push(TokenTree::Group(new_group));
44                        continue;
45                    },
46                    _ => {}  // not a function body
47                }
48                _ => {}
49            }
50        }
52        result.push(token);
53    }
55    result.into_iter().collect()
58enum State {
59    Init,
60    FnInit,
61    BodyInit
use attr_test::*;  // name of the library you defined

fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
    a + b - 1

fn main() {
    foo(100, 200);