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Last Updated: 15.August.2022

Tags: #stars, #github, #opensource, #comparison

Counting Stars

I counted stars of github repositories by their language, just for fun!

Here is how I did it.

  1. Goto github's advanced search menu.
  2. Set written in this language option to the language I want.
  3. Set with this many stars option to > 2000.

The number of the repositories is a rough approximation of the size of the open-source community of each language.

Table of Contents


Rust has 356 repositories that have more than 2000 stars.

Top 3 Repositories

  1. deno
    • Node JS successor written in Rust.
  2. rust
    • Rust itself.
  3. tauri
    • Electron, but in Rust.


Javascript has 3230 repositories that have more than 2000 stars. It's the biggest among here.

Top 3 Repositories

  1. react
  2. bootstrap
  3. javascript-algorithms
    • It shows that lots of programmers these days begin programming with javascript.


Python has 2280 repositories that have more than 2000 stars. That's huge, too.

Top 3 Repositories

Most of the top repositories are Python learning materials, not softwares. It tells us that Python is a loved language for beginners.

Top rank software repositories include youtube-dl, thef*ck, and django.


C has 697 repositories that have more than 2000 stars. Though it's one of the oldest and widely used language, the open source community is relatively small.

Top 3 Repositories

  1. linux
    • Linux kernel
  2. scrcpy
    • It's something related to Android, but I'm not sure what it does.
  3. netdata
    • Real-time performance monitor, never heard before.


C++ has 887 repositories that have more than 2000 stars. It's relatively younger than C, and I guess that makes it more opensource-friendly.

Top 3 Repositories

  1. tensorflow
    • Yes, machine learnings are everywhere these days.
  2. electron
    • Crossplatform desktop apps framework.
  3. terminal
    • New Windows Terminal made by Microsoft.
    • Microsoft is being opensource-friendly these days.


Haskel is the father of (almost) all functional programming languages. It has 36 repositories that have more than 2000 stars.

Top 3 Repositories

  1. shellcheck
    • Static analysis for chell scripts.
  2. graphql engine
  3. pandoc
    • Markup converter