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Last Updated: 14.August.2022

Tags: #loc, #opensource, #comparison


I counted loc(lines of code) of some open-source repositories, just for fun!

Here is how it works.

  1. git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust
    • First, clone the repository that I want.
    • The --depth option prevents downloading the history. It saves a lot of time and space.
  2. tokei rust
    • I used the awesome tokei crate to count the lines. It's astonishingly fast.
    • This command will print the output.
  3. rm -r rust
    • Clean the disk.

Table of Contents


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust;tokei rust;rm -r rust;

Rust is the best programming language ever existed. All its source code is on Github. It includes the compiler, std, and documentation. It doesn't include LLVM.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Alex                    1           23           18            0            5
 AsciiDoc                2         1483         1196           70          217
 GNU Style Assembly      5          394          268          103           23
 Autoconf                1           88           70            3           15
 Batch                   3           23           14            3            6
 C                      69         1706         1305          138          263
 C Header                1          121          105            1           15
 CMake                   1           33           25            0            8
 C++                    12         4295         3509          278          508
 CSS                    10         4222         3471          195          556
 Dockerfile             51         2404         1812          179          413
 FreeMarker             16          913          660            0          253
 JavaScript             78         7997         6356         1049          592
 JSON                   22          912          911            0            1
 Makefile              295         5123         3363          929          831
 Module-Definition       3           13           13            0            0
 Pascal                 12          301           64          221           16
 PowerShell              1           28           16            8            4
 Python                 32         6258         4903          483          872
 Shell                 114         5256         3626          823          807
 SVG                     9          320          316            2            2
 Plain Text            161         7185            0         6989          196
 TOML                  286         5115         4200          261          654
 TypeScript             19         3976         3243          222          511
 XSL                     2           58           44            8            6
 XML                     4          120          102           18            0
 YAML                    1          754          527          107          120
 HTML                   82         1594         1430           18          146
 |- CSS                 24         1250         1160            9           81
 |- JavaScript           6          259          247            0           12
 (Total)                           3103         2837           27          239
 Markdown              846        56083            0        43438        12645
 |- BASH                31          485          404           61           20
 |- Batch                1            2            2            0            0
 |- C                    2            3            3            0            0
 |- HTML                 1            1            1            0            0
 |- JavaScript           1          203           88          115            0
 |- JSON                 4            7            7            0            0
 |- Kotlin               1            3            3            0            0
 |- Markdown             5           26            0           21            5
 |- PowerShell           1            4            4            0            0
 |- Rust                86         4199         3222          435          542
 |- Shell                7          273          250           14            9
 |- TOML                25          112          105            2            5
 |- TypeScript           1          163          118           40            5
 |- YAML                 1            7            7            0            0
 (Total)                          61571         4214        44126        13231
 Rust                22981      1773777      1397269       160734       215774
 |- Markdown          3467       178752         7991       136171        34590
 (Total)                        1952529      1405260       296905       250364
 Total               25120      1890575      1438836       216280       235459

The language is perfectly self-hosted, containing 1.77 million lines of Rust code. It has tons of markdown and html files, for documentation. It also has a few lines of C/C++ code, which are for low-level language features I guess.

Linux Kernel

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/torvalds/linux;tokei linux;rm -r linux;

It's the biggest open-source project, ever.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 ASN.1                  16          588          437           32          119
 Assembly                5         3256         3003            0          253
 GNU Style Assembly   1312       369695       269423        56812        43460
 Autoconf                5          345          301           21           23
 Automake                3           31           23            3            5
 BASH                   56         1744         1159          336          249
 C                   31802     22264207     16514034      2541199      3208974
 C Header            23368      8876950      6842562      1338241       696147
 C++                     8         2401         2071           72          258
 C++ Header              2          125           59           55           11
 CSS                     2          162           90           37           35
 Device Tree          4433      1243598      1017234        68106       158258
 Gherkin (Cucumber)      1          267          187           50           30
 Happy                   9         6019         5321            0          698
 HEX                     1           86           86            0            0
 INI                     1            7            3            3            1
 JSON                  575       305037       305035            0            2
 LD Script               8          340          264           29           47
 Makefile             2761        71184        48701        11764        10719
 Module-Definition       2          124          109            0           15
 Objective-C             1           89           72            0           17
 Perl                   56        42331        32649         3920         5762
 Python                151        44139        34688         3543         5908
 ReStructuredText     3200       644985       489142            0       155843
 Ruby                    1           29           25            0            4
 Shell                 756       139301        96856        17728        24717
 SVG                    65        43088        41845         1162           81
 TeX                     1          226          147           73            6
 Plain Text           2125       172052            0       140950        31102
 Unreal Script           5          716          446          162          108
 Vim script              1           42           33            6            3
 XSL                    15          300          183           78           39
 YAML                 2869       302134       243270        12186        46678
 Total               73616     34535598     25949458      4196568      4389572

It has 30 million lines of C. That's huge.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/baehyunsol/MDxt;tokei MDxt;rm -r MDxt;

This is the markdown engine of my blog. I implemented the entire thing by my self.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 CSS                     1          541          513           13           15
 Sass                    3          848          638           13          197
 TOML                    1           16           13            1            2
 HTML                    1          109          108            0            1
 |- CSS                  1          541          513           13           15
 |- JavaScript           1           12           10            0            2
 (Total)                            662          631           13           18
 Markdown                9          566            0          382          184
 |- CSS                  1          116          102            7            7
 |- Markdown             1            3            0            2            1
 |- Rust                 1           48           34           10            4
 |- XML                  1           66           63            2            1
 (Total)                            799          199          403          197
 Rust                   63        10800         8899          162         1739
 |- Markdown             4           33            6           26            1
 (Total)                          10833         8905          188         1740
 Total                  78        12880        10171          571         2138

As you see, everything is written in Rust. It only has 10k lines of code, but has rich features.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/nushell/nushell;tokei nushell;rm -r nushell;

My everyday shell. It's literally a new type of shell.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Batch                   1           36           29            0            7
 Dockerfile              1           31           21            5            5
 INI                     2           26           19            1            6
 JSON                   55          808          804            0            4
 PowerShell              1           30           23            1            6
 Python                  1          420          380           28           12
 Shell                   3           72           57            4           11
 Plain Text              4           97            0           96            1
 TOML                   36         1029          849           50          130
 XML                     1           22           18            0            4
 YAML                    2           47           38            3            6
 Markdown               19          674            0          458          216
 |- BASH                 2            7            5            2            0
 |- Rust                 3           29           21            0            8
 |- Shell                2           65           65            0            0
 |- SQL                  1            1            1            0            0
 |- TOML                 1            2            2            0            0
 (Total)                            778           94          460          224
 Rust                  953       162548       142110         3440        16998
 |- Markdown            76         1718           52         1359          307
 (Total)                         164266       142162         4799        17305
 Total                1079       165840       144348         4086        17406

It has 162k lines of Rust. You can see that it's written purely in Rust.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ziglang/zig;tokei zig;rm -r zig;

Another sexy language. I'll dive deeper into this language when it gets 1.0.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 GNU Style Assembly    745        35555        28373         4981         2201
 Autoconf               38        26506        20800         4552         1154
 C                    4177       217506       151991        44381        21134
 C Header             7471      2590320      1988413       309506       292401
 CMake                   7         1620         1447           63          110
 C++                   206       142957       118103         9452        15402
 C++ Header             54        21337        17036         1640         2661
 JavaScript              1         3426         2952          254          220
 JSON                    1          630          630            0            0
 Makefile                4            4            4            0            0
 Module-Definition     480        48829        45755         2867          207
 Objective-C             2           23           19            0            4
 Objective-C++           2           25           21            0            4
 Python                  4          432          333           16           83
 Shell                  14          963          627          142          194
 Plain Text             12         3608            0         2570         1038
 YAML                    3          329          273           14           42
 Zig                  2187       653445       547247        50049        56149
 HTML                    5         2715         2396            0          319
 |- CSS                  1          535          478            6           51
 (Total)                           3250         2874            6          370
 Markdown                3          364            0          316           48
 |- Zig                  1            8            0            8            0
 (Total)                            372            0          324           48
 Total               15416      3750594      2926420       430803       393371

It's not self-hosted yet. It has 2.8M lines of C. I guess 650k lines of Zig are for its std lib.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei;tokei tokei;rm -r tokei;

It's the tool that I've been using for this blog post. It's super-fast and super-accurate!

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 BASH                    4           48           30           10            8
 JSON                    1         1544         1544            0            0
 Shell                   1           49           38            1           10
 TOML                    3          123          102            5           16
 HTML                    1           12            9            1            2
 |- JavaScript           1           15           11            4            0
 (Total)                             27           20            5            2
 Markdown                5         1503            0         1196          307
 |- JSON                 1           47           47            0            0
 |- Rust                 1            7            4            3            0
 |- Shell                1           16           14            0            2
 (Total)                           1573           65         1199          309
 Rust                   23         4305         3616          126          563
 |- Markdown            13          374            5          318           51
 (Total)                           4679         3621          444          614
 Total                  38         7584         5339         1339          906

The table is relatively simple. Everything is written in Rust, with documents in markdown and html.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/flutter/flutter;tokei flutter;rm -r flutter;

Flutter is a cross-platform SDK made by Google. It has an awesome declarative syntax.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 BASH                    5          249           97          118           34
 Batch                   7          362          211           97           54
 C Header               82         1762          793          528          441
 CMake                  28         1948         1337          318          293
 C++                    33         2534         1819          228          487
 CSS                     2          280          226            8           46
 Dart                 3704      1438378      1086963       199595       151820
 Dockerfile              1          117           77           25           15
 GLSL                    1          102           83            4           15
 Java                   44         2751         2115          264          372
 JavaScript              2          138          116           11           11
 JSON                  143        21818        21736            0           82
 Kotlin                 10          245          187           20           38
 Objective-C            76         2642         1834          297          511
 PowerShell              1           98           62           22           14
 Prolog                  2           28           24            0            4
 Protocol Buffers        1          135           55           46           34
 Ruby                    1          289          140          102           47
 Shell                  15         1073          640          290          143
 SVG                    14           59           58            1            0
 Swift                  32          662          438          119          105
 Plain Text             20          283            0          261           22
 Xcode Config          112          374          282           68           24
 XML                   112         2500         1530          765          205
 YAML                  102         9840         8288          842          710
 HTML                   25          496          350          118           28
 |- CSS                  2           23           20            2            1
 |- JavaScript          13          393          309           72           12
 (Total)                            912          679          192           41
 Markdown              101         3961            0         2799         1162
 |- BASH                 4           21           20            1            0
 |- Dart                 5          110           76           20           14
 |- Java                 1           12           10            0            2
 |- JSON                 1            9            9            0            0
 |- Objective-C          1            4            3            0            1
 |- Ruby                 1            8            6            1            1
 |- Shell                5           14           14            0            0
 |- YAML                 1            2            2            0            0
 (Total)                           4141          140         2821         1180
 Total                4676      1493124      1129461       206946       156717

The main language is Dart, which has 1.4M lines. It also has Kotlin and Swift for mobile platforms.

Visual Studio Code

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode;tokei vscode;rm -r vscode;

No.1 cross platform text editor made by Microsoft. It powers most of my projects.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 BASH                    1           34           22            6            6
 Batch                  20          594          374           75          145
 C                       1           30           27            2            1
 C#                      1           27           23            1            3
 Clojure                 1           52           38            8            6
 CoffeeScript            2           43           32            0           11
 C++                     6           89           73            6           10
 CSS                   209        21098        16194         1413         3491
 Dart                    1           19           15            1            3
 Dockerfile              1           14           10            1            3
 F#                      1           18           11            3            4
 Fish                    1           96           45           36           15
 Go                      2           26           21            1            4
 Groovy                  1          219          106           49           64
 Handlebars              2           54           46            1            7
 HLSL                    1           13           10            0            3
 INI                     1           10            7            2            1
 Java                    1           42           23           11            8
 JavaScript            269        55886        49716         3757         2413
 JSON                  587       419578       419514            0           64
 JSX                     1           35           24            5            6
 Julia                   1           26           23            1            2
 LESS                    4           62           50            1           11
 Lua                     1           12           10            1            1
 Makefile                1           92           65            7           20
 Objective-C             1           52           33            9           10
 Objective-C++           1           52           33            9           10
 Perl                    2           77           55            9           13
 PHP                     3           58           43            5           10
 PowerShell              9          353          253           55           45
 Pug                     2           30           22            5            3
 Python                  2          101           81            4           16
 R                       1           24           11            9            4
 Razor                   1           46           34            4            8
 ReStructuredText        1           98           60            0           38
 Ruby                    1           46           26           14            6
 Rust                    2           41           31            0           10
 Sass                    4          355          265           53           37
 Shell                  37         1465         1013          221          231
 SQL                     1            6            6            0            0
 SVG                    72         4243         4206            9           28
 Swift                   1           13           13            0            0
 TeX                     2           40           34            0            6
 Plain Text             75        19423            0        15375         4048
 TSX                     1            6            5            0            1
 TypeScript           3956      1116847       857594        99188       160065
 Visual Basic            1           25           16            6            3
 XML                     5           61           60            1            0
 YAML                   28         4337         3662          168          507
 Zsh                     4          165          118           26           21
 HTML                   43         3712         3562           42          108
 |- CSS                  8          261          225            0           36
 |- JavaScript          30         3265         2458          406          401
 (Total)                           7238         6245          448          545
 Jupyter Notebooks       1            0            0            0            0
 |- Markdown             1            1            0            1            0
 |- Python               1            2            2            0            0
 (Total)                              3            2            1            0
 Markdown               68         2031            0         1331          700
 |- BASH                 1           25           14            6            5
 |- JSON                 1           23           23            0            0
 (Total)                           2079           37         1337          705
 Total                5442      1651876      1357715       121931       172230

The table is huge. It's even bigger than Linux and Flutter. Javascript and Typescript are the main languages of this repo. It uses JSON for config files. I guess shell scripts are for cross platform installations. It even has Rust, Go and Coffeescript. What are those for?


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/golang/go;tokei go;rm -r go;

Though I'm not a gopher, I wanted something that's similar to Rust: a language that's relatively new, self-hosted and has big community support.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Alex                    2          117          101            0           16
 GNU Style Assembly    553       153829       122681        16584        14564
 Autoconf                9          283          274            0            9
 BASH                   16          874          505          250          119
 Batch                   5          307          183           69           55
 C                     129         8763         6584          938         1241
 C Header               25          906          493          287          126
 C++                     2           49           24           14           11
 CSS                     2          273          269            0            4
 Dockerfile              2           56           25           20           11
 FORTRAN Modern          2           12            8            3            1
 Go                   8902      2260077      1764816       303437       191824
 JavaScript              9         1432         1119          140          173
 JSON                   16         2855         2855            0            0
 Makefile                5           40           20           10           10
 Markdown               16         2202            0         1702          500
 Objective-C             2           21           15            3            3
 Perl                    9         1358         1030          170          158
 Python                  1          611          420           70          121
 Shell                  14         2624         2154          321          149
 Plain Text           1000       190310            0       179839        10471
 HTML                   15        18720        18273           39          408
 |- CSS                  3         2070         1851           10          209
 |- HTML                 1          219          212            0            7
 |- JavaScript           7         6919         6875           16           28
 (Total)                          27928        27211           65          652
 Total               10736      2645719      1921849       503896       219974

It's perfectly self hosted. It has 2.2M lines of Go, which is bigger than 1.8M of Rust.


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy;tokei bevy;rm -r bevy;

Bevy is a Rust game engine.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 C Header                1            1            1            0            0
 GLSL                    2           44           34            0           10
 Makefile                1           25           18            0            7
 Objective-C             1            6            5            0            1
 Pan                     1          314          221           28           65
 Rusty Object Nota|      1           64           64            0            0
 Shell                   3          141          109           13           19
 SVG                     5          641          641            0            0
 Plain Text              3           44            0           27           17
 TOML                   50         2840         2294          106          440
 HTML                    1            9            9            0            0
 |- CSS                  1           16           16            0            0
 |- JavaScript           1            2            2            0            0
 (Total)                             27           27            0            0
 Markdown               25         4056            0         3421          635
 |- BASH                 3           23           21            2            0
 |- JSON                 1            3            3            0            0
 |- Nix                  1           13           13            0            0
 |- Rust                 7          446          326           39           81
 |- TOML                 2           25           14            7            4
 (Total)                           4566          377         3469          720
 Rust                  549       105993        90482         3715        11796
 |- Markdown           403        14746          309        11990         2447
 (Total)                         120739        90791        15705        14243
 Total                 643       114178        93878         7310        12990

It has 105k lines of Rust. It's interesting that it only has 44 lines of shader language.