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Last Updated: 18.Feburary.2023

Tags: #rust, #smart-pointers

Reference-Counting Pointers in Rust

Reference-counting pointers are one of the most widely used smart pointers. It dynamically tracks the lifetime of an object, and decides when to destruct the item. It seems like Rust doesn't need such thing. Rust is known for compile time lifetime checking, isn't it? But unfortunately, Rust does need dynamic memory management. There are some cases where compiler can never know when to free an object. Or there are cases where it's much simpler to use Reference counters than to deal with borrow checker's restrictions.

So, how does Rust implement RC pointers? There are two major obstacles in it.

First, we can't decide whom to own the value. If everyone has the copy of the data, that would be too expensive. We want only one copy of the data to exist, and the others should clone the pointer. The easiest way is to give the ownership to the one who calls Rc::new(), then give the pointer to the value to the others. But in that case, the value will be freed when the first owner dies. We don't want that. That's not what Rc is for.

Second, how do owners mutate the reference count? Rust allows at most one mutable reference to exist per a data. But there must be multiple owners of an Rc, who wants to mutate the counter.

The second one is easy, and the first one is quite tricky. Let's look at the implementation.

std doc

pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
    ptr: NonNull<RcBox<T>>,
    phantom: PhantomData<RcBox<T>>,

It's how Rust implements Rc. Though it's only a few lines, there are so many scary-looking names in the code. Sized and PhantomData are very important Rust concepts, but that's not what this article is for. We're not gonna take a closer look at them.

Let's first look at RcBox, which is an internal data wrapper of Rc. RcBox looks like below.

struct RcBox<T: ?Sized> {
    strong: Cell<usize>,
    weak: Cell<usize>,
    value: T,

Rc solves the second problem by using the Cell type. It implements an internal mutability. It's a special type that lets you set/get a data with a read-only reference (&). In order to do that, we have to break some basic rules of the language.

The Rust compiler prevents dangling pointers and double freeing with the lifetime checker. Since the internal mutability stands against the checker, it has some restrictions. The Cell type never lets you own the pointer to the value. It moves the data in and out when accessing. It always copies the data.

The compiler assumes that the value behind & never changes. It does lots of optimizations based on the assumption. Mutating the value behind them may corrupt the optimizations, breaking the entire program. So, the language designers marked the type, telling the compiler that this type implements internal mutabilities. It disables some optimizations.

In order to solve the first problem, Rc uses a special type called NonNull. Basically, it's a raw-pointer. As it's name suggests, it must not be null. Does using raw pointers solve the problem? Who owns pointers, then? It's still difficult to decide how to call the destructor. In order to implement Rc, we have to disable the compiler's auto-destructing. The compiler's lifetime checker tracks the lifetime of ALL the objects in the code. All the destructor calls are added by the compiler. But, the lifetime of an Rc cannot be known at compile-time. So, we have to disable the lifetime checker manually. Below is how we do that.

impl<T> Rc<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Rc<T> {
        unsafe {
                Box::leak(Box::new(RcBox { strong: Cell::new(1), weak: Cell::new(1), value }))

impl<T: ?Sized> Rc<T> {
    unsafe fn from_inner(ptr: NonNull<RcBox<T>>) -> Self {
        Self { ptr, phantom: PhantomData }

Box::leak disables the lifetime checker. It literally causes a memory leak. Once it's leaked, the Rc has to call the destructor of it's value manually when the reference-count is 0. Below is how it does that.

1unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T: ?Sized> Drop for Rc<T> {
2    fn drop(&mut self) {
3        unsafe {
4            self.inner().dec_strong();
5            if self.inner().strong() == 0 {
6                // destroy the contained object
7                ptr::drop_in_place(Self::get_mut_unchecked(self));
9                // remove the implicit "strong weak" pointer now that we've
10                // destroyed the contents.
11                self.inner().dec_weak();
13                if self.inner().weak() == 0 {
14                    Global.deallocate(self.ptr.cast(), Layout::for_value(self.ptr.as_ref()));
15                }
16            }
17        }
18    }

When an Rc is dropped, it checks whether the counter is 0. If so, it destroys the contained object by calling ptr::drop_in_place. You've probably never seen it before, because the compiler does it for us usually.

I also wanted to dig deeper by reading the source of ptr::drop_in_place and Global.deallocate, but it was no use. Those are compiler-builtins.

It's very interesting to look at the unsafeness inside safe APIs. I'll be back with more Rust std stuffs.