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Last Updated: 19.Feburary.2023

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Rust struct memory layout

Rust is a low-level language. That means you can (and have to) manipulate the data at the byte level when using the language. But, unlike C/C++, Rust programmers don't explicitly call constructors and destructors. It's difficult to know when it's destructed. How about struct's padding rules? Are C/C++ padding rules also applied here? Let's see.

struct Foo {
    a: u64,
    b: u8,
    c: u8

struct Bar {
    a: u8,
    b: u64,
    c: u8

struct Empty {}

I defined 3 structs. Foo and Bar both have 3 fields, and the sum of their sizes are the same. But their order differ. An ordinary 64bits C compiler would put 7 bytes padding between Bar.a and Bar.b. A C compiler wouldn't put any padding in Foo. How about Rust? Let's look at their size.

fn main() {
        "{} {} {}\n",

The result is 16 16 0. In C, the equivalent code prints 16 24 0. It means Rust does some kind of optimization that C does not. Did the compiler change the order of the fields? Let's see.

let foo = Foo::default();
let bar = Bar::default();

    "foo.a: {:x}, foo.b: {:x}, foo.c: {:x}\n",
    &foo.a as *const u64 as usize,
    &foo.b as *const u8 as usize,
    &foo.c as *const u8 as usize,

    "bar.a: {:x}, bar.b: {:x}, bar.c: {:x}\n",
    &bar.a as *const u8 as usize,
    &bar.b as *const u64 as usize,
    &bar.c as *const u8 as usize,

Below is the result.

foo.a: e1a0d4f500, foo.b: e1a0d4f508, foo.c: e1a0d4f509

bar.a: e1a0d4f518, bar.b: e1a0d4f510, bar.c: e1a0d4f519

The compiler reordered the fields! The language reference says struct's memory layout is undefined to allow such optimizations. But we can fix it with repr. Let's define the same struct with reprs.

struct Foo {
    a: u64,
    b: u8,
    c: u8

struct Bar {
    a: u8,
    b: u64,
    c: u8

With repr(C), it follows the C's rules. Now Bar occupies 24 bytes, just like in C. Also, the fields are not reordered.


How about Options? How do they look like? I guess it adds an extra field inidicating whether it's None or not.

    "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n",

The result is 16 24 16 24 1 2 2 4. Well, it's interesting. Option<Foo> adds 8 more bytes, while Option<u8> adds only one byte. Is that due to the padding rules? Then, why is Option<u16> adding two more bytes? I guess it's related to complicated padding rules, but I can't figure out why.

While reading the std document, I found something more interesting. See below.

    "{} {} {} {}",

It's 8 8 8 8. Some types don't use any field to mark whether it's null or not. Rust guarantees this kind of optimization for the types below.

I guess the compiler uses nullptrs to represent None<Box<T>> and other None pointers.

Though I mentioned constructors/destructors of Rust at the beginning, I'll talk about them in later articles.